How to become a good boss if you are an introvert

To be a respected and beloved leader is not an easy task, but it is even more difficult for an introvert that has to manage an extrovert team. What points to pay attention to, says the lead expert Karl Moore.

Introverts are increasingly talking in the context of leadership. We will gradually learn about their presence among leaders. Nevertheless, the main part of the literature’s leadership is devoted to exstructural managers. During the study we conducted, we interviewed more than 300 top managers, and more than 30% turned out to be introverts. Among the control of the middle and lower links, the number is approaching 50.

How introverts manage, affects the success of companies. Let’s look at 3 directions of how they can be successful managers for their subordinates.

1. Extroverts must be appreciated. It is important to consider characteristic features as their significant advantages, and not the disadvantages. In business they say: “We do not value what we do not have”. Yes, these workers can sometimes get involved in work and create an atmosphere in the team too heated.

After a long stay alone, extroverts need stimulation, otherwise they fall into a kind of lethargy

But they can also make a significant contribution to the work if the leader treats them with attention, creatively approaches the tasks, does not extinguish their enthusiasm. The first step to working with them is to consider them as valuable team members with their skills and abilities.

2. Extroverts must be given the opportunity to communicate so that they can relax. It is necessary to take into account the need for introverts for the manifestation of an extrovert approach during breaks in work. The scientific literature notes that pauses allow introverts to use their main advantages: the ability to think and analyze.

Extroverts also need breaks, but with them they are of a different character. After a long stay alone, these workers need stimulation, otherwise they fall into a kind of lethargy. Therefore, they are sent to the cafeteria for the dose of caffeine and for conversations and jokes, which allows them to “charge the batteries”.

Thanks to this, extroverts can be good managers and leaders: their interlocutors share many with them. The ability to carefully listen to his interlocutor is considered one of the traditional advantages.

3. Extroverts need to be given feedback, and not just listen. They are impressed by greater emotional contact with listeners and interlocutors. Whether during a joke or story, meetings or presentations of slides, introverts should effectively respond to the energy of such workers and listen.






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